A Typical Day
A typical school day includes variety…
Activity Centers
Centers include, but are not limited to: arts and crafts, building blocks, books, dress up, carpentry, sensory tables, music, writing and simple games.
Group Settings
Activities include, but are not limited to: stories, music, finger plays, listening activities, discussion on topics, sharing, pre-academic learning skills, guest presentations, field trips.
Large Muscle Development
Supervised activities to increase coordination indoors in our “gym” or on our outdoor playground. Play on/with equipment, such as swings, slides, scooters, balls, balance beams, tumbling mats, tricycles, mini trampoline, and much more. Each week we feature new and exciting things to try!
At this time we thank God for our blessings. This is a time to enjoy one another and become refreshed. Children learn table manners and the art of conversation. Our snack time provides an excellent opportunity to develop a positive attitude toward healthy foods. We will serve water and crackers/cookies. For variety, we ask parents to provide a nutritious snack for the class, twice each semester. We will be collecting "snack needs" at Parent Orientation held prior to the beginning of preschool. Any food allergies will be posted.